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Other troubles Other troubles

I spilled a drink on my computer, I can't hit the keyboard,

It deals with troubles such as strange sounds and smells.

Bring-in diagnostic fee 1,000 yen

Business trip diagnosis fee 2,000 yen ~ (depending on distance)

Submerged / spilled

● Disassembly work

● internal cleaning

¥ 18,000 ~

Keyboard repair / replacement

● Keyboard replacement work

¥ 5,000 ~

* Parts fee is not included

Touchpad repair / replacement

● Touch bad repair / replacement work

¥ 5,000 ~

* Parts fee is not included

Battery malfunction

● Battery replacement

● Refresh service

From ¥ 2,000

* Parts fee is not included

Abnormal noise / heat

● repair or replacement of cooling FAN

● Internal cleaning

¥ 5,000 ~

Exterior defects

● exterior repair work

¥ 3,000 ~

Interior / exterior cleaning

● Exterior cleaning

● internal cleaning due to decomposition

¥ 4,000

Interior / exterior cleaning





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